The Collection
Taxateca's Garden
About Me

The Taxateca's Garden is a small private botanical garden which contains an interesting plant collection of hundreds of species. It was founded on May 17th of 2013 and has an extension of 2.000 square meters.

The Garden                                 The Plants

The Plants


Below are sorted alphabetically some species that are mantained alive in the garden. All images have been photographed at the garden.




Abelia x grandiflora


Details: Up to 2m shrub with abundant flowers in spring and summer, resistant to -15ºC frosts.

Acanthus mollis


Details: Mainly winter and spring growing plant that produces nice inflorescences in spring, resistant to -10ºC frosts or more with leaves damage.

Achillea filipendulina


Details: Perennial herb that produce abundant inflorescences at the end of spring. It is a frost resistant able to survive even to -20ºC.

Achillea millefolium


Details: Small perennial herb that produce abundant inflorescences in spring. It is a frost resistant able to survive even to -20ºC.

Adromischus cooperi


Details: Small succulent plant, frost tender (until -2ºC), that flowers at the end of the winter.

Adromischus cristatus


Details: It is a variable succulent plant, with the stem covered by brown roots. It is endemic to a small region of South Africa and grows and flowers mainly during the warmer and rainier season. It resists drought, although it prefers regular water throughout the year, and is sensitive to frosts below -3ºC.


Adromischus marianae


Details: It is an extremely variable small succulent plant, with leaves that can be linear and smooth to spherical and very rough. It is endemic to a small region of South Africa and grows and flowers mainly during the warmer and rainier season. It resists drought, although it prefers regular water throughout the year, and is sensitive to frosts below -3ºC.

Aeonium arboreum


Details: Small succulent shrub, frost tender (until -5ºC), that grows only on winter.

Aeonium aureum


Details: Small succulent plant, frost resistant (until -10ºC), that grows only on winter.

Aeonium lancerottense


Details: Small succulent shrub, frost tender (until -5ºC), that grows only on winter. In spring produce a massive flowering.

Aeonium percarneum


Details: Small succulent shrub, frost tender (until -5ºC), that grows only on winter. In spring produce a massive flowering.

Aeonium simsii


Details: Small succulent herb endemic from the top mountains of the small island of Gran canaria, in Canary Islands. It is frost resistant until -10ºC, grows only on winter and needs a resting period during summer. It produce a massive flowering in spring.


Agave americana (no picture)


Details: Big succulent herb with leaves larger than 1 m. It is drought resistant and frost resistant until -10ºC. After many years of growing, it produces a huge branched inflorescence more than 4 m high and after the rosette die.

Agave attenuata


Details: Succulent herb with big rosettes. It is drought resistant but frost tender (until -3ºC). After many years of growing, it produces a big inflorescence more than 2 m high and after the rosette die.


Agave neomexicana (no picture)


Details: Big succulent herb drought resistant and frost resistant until around -10ºC. After many years of growing, it produces a huge branched inflorescence and after the rosette die.


Agave potatorum


Details: Succulent herb drought resistant and frost resistant until around -10ºC. It forms many strong subterranean rhizomes that produce new rosettes. After many years of growing, it produces a huge branched inflorescence and after the rosette die.

Agave salmiana


Details: Big succulent herb with leaves up to 2 m. It is drought resistant and frost resistant until -12ºC. After many years of growth, it produces a huge inflorescence more than 4 m high and after the rosette die.

Agave sisalana


Details: Big succulent herb with leaves up to 4 m in diameter. It is drought resistant and frost tender below -5ºC. After many years of growth, it produces a huge inflorescence more than 4 m high and after the rosette die.

Agave striata


Details: Succulent herb with leaves up to 1.5 m in diameter. It is drought resistant and frost resistant until -12ºC. After some years of growth, it produces a inflorescence of around 2 m high and after the rosette die, producing many lateral new rosettes.

Albuca bracteata


Details: Herb with a big aereal bulb that form numerous small axilary buds. It is drought resistant and frost resistant until -10ºC. Leaves are produced mainly on winter and flowers at the beggining of the spring.

Allium cepa


Details: This is the onion plant, which produces a big edible bulb and nice spherical inflorescences in spring.

Allium fistulosum


Details: This is the welsh onion plant, which produces edible aromatic leaves and small bulbs, and nice spherical inflorescences in spring. It is a perennial species that survives to hard frosts.

Alluaudia ascendens


Details: A nice and bizarre small succulent tree from Madagascar which produce columnar branches with the leaves spirally arranged very close to the trunk. Leaves fall during the cold season. It is frost resistant until -5ºC for short periods when is adult.

Alocasia odora


Details: Herbaceous plant with huge leaves that frequently reach 3 meters length. It is a species from the undercanopy of american rainforests, however can tolerate temperatures of -7ºC for short periods, although with leaf damage.

Aloe berevoana


Details: It is an Aloe only known from a single locality in western Madagascar. It forms large groups that cover several meters. Flowers appears at the beginning of the warmest and rainiest season. It does not resist temperatures below -2º.

Aloe ciliaris


Details: A climbing species related with the Aloe genus. It is frost resistant until -5ºC and produce nice inflorescences at the end of winter.

Aloe cryptopoda


Details: It is an Aloe from southern and eastern Africa that at the end of winter forms large branched inflorescences with orange and yellow tones. It resists drought very well and temperatures down to -5ºC for a few hours.

Aloe dorothae


Details: Succulent herbaceous, drought resistant but frost tender. Rosettes become reddish under full sun and produce nice inflorescences at the beggining of the hot season.

Aloe helenae


Details: A rare Aloe species that can grow more than 3 m high. It is a frost tender and drought resistant plant, adapted to grow during the warmest season.

Aloe jucunda


Details: A small Aloe species that can produce big colonies. It is nearly extinct in the wild. It is a drought resistant but frost tender species that flowers at the beggining of the hottest season.

Aloe juvenna


Details: A nice Aloe species that produces colonies of rosettes with small and dense leaves. It is drought tolerant and frost resistant until -5ºC.

Aloe macra


Details: An Aloe endemic to a single ravine in Réunion Island, situated in the east of Madagascar. Like other species in its genus, it is drought-resistant but cannot tolerate temperatures below -2°C. It blooms at the beginning of the warmest and rainiest season.

Aloe millotii


Details: Small succulent herb of the genus Aloe, frost tender (until -2ºC).

Aloe x nobilis


Details: Succulent plant frost resistant until -8ºC, quite resistant to humidity, with nice dense rosettes that produce orange flowers on spring.

Aloe variegata


Details: Succulent plant frost resistant until -8ºC, quite resistant to humidity, with nice coloured leaves. It is native from South Africa and Namibia and produces orange flowers on spring.

Aloe vera


Details: The most known species of Aloe. It is a succulent plant frost resistant until -8ºC (depending of the variety), drought resistant and quite resistant to humidity. It produces flowers in spring. It is used in all the world as a medicinal plant.

Alpinia zerumbet


Details: Plant up to 3 meters high with a rhizome producing numerous shoots which form nice inflorescences at the end of spring. Leaves are frost tender but rhizome can survive to -12 ºC. It is native from China and surrounding areas.

Amorphophallus bulbifer


Details: A single leaved plant with a leaf with an umbrella shape. It produces one leaf per year from a tubercle, and small tubercles appear in the leaf main nerves, that can grow when fall into the soil. After some years, each bulb produces a inflorescence. The plant remains as a bulb during the coolest season.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius


Details: A single leaved plant with a leaf with an umbrella shape. It produces one leaf per year from a huge tubercle. After some years, each bulb produces a big and bizarre inflorescence. The plant remains as a bulb during the coolest/dryest season.

Anacampseros filamentosa


Details: It is a small succulent plant native to southern Africa that belongs to the small Anacampserotaceae family. In the warm season it produces relatively large pink flowers, but they last less than a day. It is resistant to drought, although it prefers to have water on a more or less regular basis throughout the year. Resistant up to -2º.

Annona cherimolla


Details: This is the cherimoya plant, a big shrub native from tropical humid areas of South America. It is frost tender (until -5ºC for short periods in mature plants), flowers at the beginning of the warm season and fruits appear during the coolest season. Fruits are very tasty and are sold world-wide.

Antirrhinum majus


Details: An herbaceous perennial short-lived plant that grows mainly at the end of the winter and produces abundant flowers during the spring. It needs regular water, although it is relatively drought resistant, and supports -10ºC.

Aptenia cordifolia


Details: A creeping succulent plant,densely covering the ground, resistant to drought and frost (down to -12ºC).

Argemone mexicana


Details: A spiny annual or short-lived plant native to Central America. It produces nice flowers during the spring and summer, but these are short-lived. It is adapted to dry environments and is quite resistant to drought.

Aristaloe aristata


Details: A succulent plant that forms rosettes from which orange inflorescences emerge in spring. The leaves have warts and white spines, especially on the margins. During the dry season the outer leaves of the rosette tend to dry out and bend to protect the center of the rosette. It can support down to -10ºC for short periods of time.

Aristolochia grandiflora


Details: A very striking climbing plant with large flowers that simulate a dead animal to attract pollinators. The flowers have more than 15 cm in diameter and appendage that can be almost a meter in length. It is native to Central America and is sensitive to cold, dying below 0 degrees and if it spends several weeks in temperatures below 12 degrees. Requires a lot of water to grow.


Aristolochia littoralis (no picture)


Details: A striking climbing plant with large, abundant and bizarre flowers that simulate a dead animal to attract pollinators. It is native to Central America and can support up to -10 ºC during short periods.

Aristolochia triangularis


Details: Climbing tropical plant that produce abundant bizarre flowers.

Asclepias curassavica


Details: Annual or short-lived plant that produces abundant yellow and red flowers. Its flowers have a special structure that traps the legs of the wasps, forcing them to take a packet of pollen. It resists around - 7ºC for a few hours, although with damage, but it can grow back from its base when the warm season arrives.

Asparagus setaceus


Details: Species of climbing asparagus several meters long with beautiful thin branches arranged in a single plane. It blooms in spring and resists down to -6ºC.

Astrophytum myriostigma


Details: A curious spineless cactus with white scales endemic to northeastern Mexico. It produces yellow flowers during the hot and humid season and goes dormant during the winter dry season, when it can withstand temperatures as low as -5°C.

Aztekium valdezii


Details: A rare small cactus discovered in 2013 and only known from a region of about 3 square km on northeastern Mexico. It is a very slow growing species, which produces relatively large flowers during the spring. It needs a period of drought and lower temperatures during the winter to flourish. It resists up to -4ºC for short periods of time if it is dry.