The Collection
Taxateca's Garden
About me






Name: Carlos Galan Boluda.


Current Position:


Senior research and teaching assistant

(2022-2024, Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland)


Academic Education:


Post-doctoral research

(2017-2022, Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland)

Project: Systematics, species delimitation and conservation in Sapotaceae from Madagascar.


PhD in Biology

(2013-2017, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.)

Tesis manuscript: Species, phylogeography and extrolite production in Bryoria and Pseudephebe (Parmeliaceae).

Tesis presentation: Species, phylogeography and extrolite production in Bryoria and Pseudephebe (Parmeliaceae).


Master in Molecular, Celular and Genetics Biology

(2010-2011, specialization in genetics, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).

Title of Master Tesis: Phylogenomics and comparative genomics of mtDNA of Archaeplastida: The complete mitochondrial genome of Nitella hialina (Charophyceae).


Degree in Biology.

(2005-2010, specialization in biodiversity, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain).



Published articles:


Boluda C. G., Andriamiarisoa R. L., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2024) Revision of the emblematic Malagasy tree genus Tsebona (Sapotaceae) with the description of a second species. Candollea 79: 117-128. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15553/c2024v791a7


Boluda C. G., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2024) A phylogenomic reconstruction of the Endangered Malagasy tree genus Capurodendron (Sapotaceae) with nine new species and an identification key. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 205: 85-115. DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boad073


Boluda C. G., Nuru Kitara. (2024) Placopsis craterifera (Trapeliaceae, Lecanoromycetes), a new lichen species from alpine habitats on Mount Meru, Tanzania. Lichenologist 56: 15-20. DOI: 10.1017/S0024282923000634


Boluda C. G., Randriarisoa A., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2023) A taxonomic revision of the Madagascar-endemic genus Bemangidia (Sapotaceae), with description of a second species. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80: 1-17. DOI: 10.24823/ejb.2023.1996


Pouchon C., Boluda C. G. (2023) REFMAKER: Make your own reference to target nuclear loci in low coverage genome skimming libraries. Phylogenomic application in Sapotaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 186: 107826. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107826


Gautier L., Boluda C. G., Randriarisoa A., Randrianaivo R., Naciri, Y. (2022). Sapotaceae: pp. 726-739 in Goodman, S. (ed). The New Natural History of Madagascar, ed. 2. Princeton University Press.


Randriarisoa A., Naciri Y., Armstrong K., Boluda C. G., Daufreville S., Pouchon C., Gautier L. (2022) One in, one out: Generic circumscription within subtribe Manilkarinae (Sapotaceae). Taxon (98-125). DOI: 10.1002/tax.12863


Gautier L., Boluda C. G., Randrianaivo R., Naciri Y. (2022) Two further new species in the highly-diverse Malagasy endemic genus Capurodendron (Sapotaceae).  Candollea 77: 119-126. DOI: 10.15553/c2022v771a9


Boluda C. G., Christe C., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2022) A 638-gene phylogeny supports the recognition of twice as many species in the Malagasy endemic genus Capurodendron (Sapotaceae).  Taxon 71: 360-395 DOI: 10.1002/tax.12676.


Boluda C. G., Christe C., Randriarisoa A., Gautier L., Naciri Y. (2021) Species delimitation and conservation in taxonomically challenging lineages: the case of two clades of Capurodendron (Sapotaceae) in Madagascar.  Plants 10. DOI: 10.3390/plants10081702.


Boluda C. G., Rico V. J., Naciri Y.,  Hawksworth D. L., Scheidegger C. (2021) Phylogeographic reconstructions can be biased by ancestral shared alleles: The case of the polymorphic lichen Bryoria fuscescens in Europe and North Africa.  Molecular Ecology 30: 4845-4865. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16078.


Christe, C., Boluda, C. G., Koubínová D., Gautier, L., Naciri, Y. (2021) New genetic markers for Sapotaceae phylogenomics: More than 600 nuclear genes applicable from family to population levels. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 160: 107123. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107123.


Hawksworth D. L., Boluda C. G. (2020)  The enigma of Link's Sphaeria ericophila: nomenclature, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, and implications for the placement of Metacapnodium. Journal of Fungal Research 18: 235-245.


Pedrola-Monfort J., Lázaro-Jimeno D., Boluda C. G., Pedrola L., Garmendia A., Soler C., Soriano J. M. (2020) Evolutionary trends in the mitochondrial genome of Archaeplastida: How does the GC bias affect the transition from water to land?. Plants 9: DOI: 10.3390/plants9030358.


Hawksworth D. L., Ahti, T., Myllys, L. Boluda C. G.  (2019) Proposal to conserve Alectoria fuscescens (Bryoria fuscescens), nom. cons., against the additional names Usnea implexa, Alectoria capillaris, A. cana, A. rubens, A. fuscidula, A. degenii, A. forissii, A. ostrobotniae, A. kuemmerleana, A. haynaldiae, A. achariana, A. lanestris, A. prostratosteola, and A. viridescens (Fungi, Ascomycota, Lecanorales, Parmeliaceae). Taxon 68: 400-402. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12037


Boluda C. G., Rico V. J., Divakar P. K., Nadyeina O., Myllys L., McMullin R. T., Zamora J. C., Scheidegger C., Hawksworth D. L. (2019) Evaluating methodologies for species delimitation: the mismatch between phenotypes and genotypes in lichenized fungi (Bryoria sect. Implexae, Parmeliaceae).  Persoonia 42: 75-100. DOI: 10.3767/persoonia.2019.42.04.


Divakar P. K., Wei X-L., McCune B., Cubas P., Boluda C. G., Leavitt S. D., Crespo A., Tchabanenko S., Lumbsch H. T. (2019) Parallel Miocene dispersal events explain the cosmopolitan distribution of the Hypogymnioid lichens. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13554.


Zamora J. C., Svensson M., Boluda C. G., et al. (2018) Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9: 167-175. DOI: 10.5598/imafungus.2018.09.01.10


Boluda C. G., Hawksworth D. L., Divakar P. K., Crespo A., Rico V. J. (2016) Microchemical and molecular investigations reveal Pseudephebe species as cryptic with an environmentally modified morphology.  The Lichenologist 48: 527-543. DOI:10.1017/S002428916000426.


Divakar P. K., Crespo A., Boluda C. G., et al. (2015) Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi. New Phytologist DOI:10.1111/nph.13553.


Boluda C. G., Divakar P. K., Hawksworth D. L., Villagra J. & Rico V. J. (2015) Molecular studies reveal a new species of Bryoria in Chile. The Lichenologist 47: 387-394. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000298.

Boluda C. G., Rico V. J. Crespo A., Divakar P. K. & Hawksworth D. L. (2015) Molecular sequence data from populations of Bryoria fuscescens s. lat. in the mountains of central Spain indicates a mismatch between haplotypes and chemotypes. The Lichenologist 47: 279-286. DOI:10.1017/S0024282915000274.


Nadyeina O., Cornejo C., Boluda C. G., Myllys L., Rico V. J., Crespo A., Scheidegger C. (2014) Characterization of microsatellite loci in lichen-forming fungi of Bryoria section Implexae (Parmeliaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2(7): 1400037. DOI: 10.3732/apps.1400037


Boluda C. G., Rico V. J. & Hawksworth D. L. (2014) Fluorescence microscopy as a tool for the visualization of lichen substances within Bryoria thalli. The Lichenologist 46: 723-726. DOI:10.1017/S0024282914000292.



Congress and conference participations:


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 18 September of 2023, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled: Phylogenomics, species delimitation and conservation of the family Sapotaceae in Madagascar.

Carlos G. Boluda, Charles Pouchon, Aina Randriarisoa,Yamama Naciri, Laurent Gautier.


Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, 4 October of 2022, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Madagascar Sapotaceae: a critical steep towards a threatened group of prime importance trees. Carlos G. Boluda, Aina Randriarisoa, Camille Christe, Yamama Naciri, Laurent Gautier.


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 19 September of 2022, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled: Phylogenomics and species conservation of the family Sapotaceae in Madagascar, a race against extinction.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Aina Randriarisoa, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


22nd AETFAT congress, 27 June-1 July of 2022, Livingstone, Zambia.

Oral communication entitled: Systematics, species delimitation and conservation in Tseboneae, a Madagascar endemic tribe of Sapotaceae.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Aina Randriarisoa, Yamama Naciri, Laurent Gautier.


22nd AETFAT congress, 27 June-1 July of 2022, Livingstone, Zambia.

Oral communication entitled: One in, one out: generic circumscription within subtribe Manilkarinae (Sapotaceae).

Aina Randriarisoa, Yamama Naciri, Kate Armstrong, Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Stephanie Dafreville, Laurent Gautier.


22nd AETFAT congress, 27 June-1 July of 2022, Livingstone, Zambia.

Oral communication entitled: Species delimitation in Malagasy Donella (Sapotaceae) using hundreds of genes sequenced from old herbarium material.

Tina kiedaisch, Laurent Gautier, Carlos G. Boluda, Yamama Naciri.


22nd AETFAT congress, 27 June-1 July of 2022, Livingstone, Zambia.

Oral communication entitled: Weird cousins in the family: the dehiscing-fruited Sapotaceae of Tropical Africa.

Laurent Gautier, Marcele Do Valle, Carlos G. Boluda, Fred W. Stauffer, Yamama Naciri.


Biology22 meeting, 17-18 February of 2022, Basel, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled: Disentangling three species complexes with different evolutionary histories in Capurodendron (Sapotaceae), the largest endemic genus of plants from Madagascar.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Aina Randriarisoa, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Biology22 meeting, 17-18 February of 2022, Basel, Switzerland.
Poster communication entitled Improving species delimitation for conservation planning in Malagasy Donella (Sapotaceae)
Tina Kiedaisch, Laurent Gautier, Carlos G. Boluda, Yamama Naciri.

Biology22 meeting, 17-18 February of 2022, Basel, Switzerland.
Poster communication entitled Generic circumscription within the Manilkarinae subtribe (family Sapotaceae)
Aina Randriarisoa, Yamama Naciri, Kate Armstrong, Carlos G. Boluda, Stephanie Dafreville, Laurent Gautier.


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 31 January of 2022, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled: A phylogenomic revision of the entire family Sapotaceae in Madagascar.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Aina Randriarisoa, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Ciclo de conferencias del grado de Biología (Programa de inovación de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas).  27 October of 2021, Valencia, Spain. 

Oral communication entitled De la selva al laboratorio: delimitación y conervación de especies de árboles de la familia Sapotaceae en Madagascar. Carlos G. Boluda


Annual retreat of the PhD program in Ecology and Evolution of the Faculties of Medicine and Science, University of Geneva.  8 September of 2021, Geneva, Switzerland. 

Oral communication entitled Postdoctoral experiences and recommendations for PhD students. Carlos G. Boluda.


IAL 9 (International Association for Lichenology congress),  1-6 August of 2021, Brasil. 

Oral communication entitled Phylogeography of Bryoria fuscescens (=B. capillaris) across the Euro-Mediterranean region: Panmixia or ancestral shared alleles?. Carlos G. Boluda, Víctor J. Rico, Yamama Naciri, David L. Hawksworth, Christoph Scheidegger.


Plant systematics and evolution lectures at UNINE, 22 February of 2021, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Systematics and species delimitation in a Madagascar endemic tribe of Sapotaceae. Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Darina Koubínová, Yamama Naciri, Laurent Gautier.


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 1 February of 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Délimitation et évolution des espèces de Capurodendron, le plus grand genre endémique de plantes de Madagascar.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, 26 November of 2020, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Délimitation et évolution des espèces de Capurodendron, le plus grand genre endémique de plantes de Madagascar. Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Yamama Naciri, Laurent Gautier.


Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, 5 March of 2020, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled The 6th expedition to Madagascar, exploring the future protected area of Beampingaratzi.

Carlos G. Boluda, Aina Randriarisoa, Laurent Gautier.


Faculté des Sciences, Université d'Antananarivo, 17 December of 2019, Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Oral communication entitled Les Nanto, un autre group the bois preciaux?.

Carlos G. Boluda, Aina Randriarisoa, Laurent Gautier.


Swiss Systematyc Society Day, 8 November of 2019, Basel, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Systematics, species delimitation and conservation in Tseboneae, a Madagascar endemic tribe of Sapotaceae.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 14 October of 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Phylogeny and species delimitation of the Madagascar endemic trees Capurodendron using a Gene Capture approach.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 26 September of 2019, Linares, Nuevo León, México. Oral communication entitled Establishing priority areas for conservation in Madagascar using phylogenomics and species potential distribution of Sapotaceae.

Carlos G. Boluda.


Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, 28 March of 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled La délimitation des espèces chez Capurodendron: Une course contre l'extinction.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Biology19 meeting, 7-8 February of 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled A race against the extinction of Capurodendron trees in Madagascar: from phylogenomic diversity to conservation.

Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier, Yamama Naciri.


Swiss PLANT 2019 symposium, 30 January-1 February of 2019, Meiringen, Bern, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Species delimitation in Capurodendron Aubrév. (Sapotaceae) using an integrative approach.

Yamama Naciri, Carlos G. Boluda, Camille Christe, Laurent Gautier.


Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 25 January of 2019, Linares, Nuevo León, México. Oral communication entitled Unraveling the evolutionary processes occurring in the lichenized fungi Bryoria sect. Implexae.


Faculty of Science, Université de Genève, 17 December of 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled A race against the extinction of Capurodendron trees in Madagascar: from phylogenomic diversity to conservation.


Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, 27 September of 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

Oral communication entitled Species delimitation and population genetics in Bryoria sect. Implexae.


XXI Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, 20-24 June of 2017, Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain.

Oral communication entitled: Estudios filogeográficos y de taxonomía integrada muestran un proceso de especiación actual en Bryoria fuscescens agg.


XIV OPTIMA meeting, 9-15 September of 2013, Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

Oral communication entitled Phylogeny of alectorioid lichens (Parmeliaceae, Lecanoromycetes) with special emphasis on Bryoria sect. Implexae.


XIX Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, 24-28 June of 2013, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

Oral communication entitled The Bryoria genus in West Europe. First data of Implexae section in Central Spain.


VI meeting of the Spanish Lichenological Society (SEL), 8-12 September of 2014, Peneda, Portugal.

Oral communication entitled El concepto de especie filogenética en Bryoria sect. Implexae, los microsatélites nos pueden ayudar cuando las secuencias de ADN no son resolutivas. Boluda G. C., Carolina Cornejo, Olga Nadyeina, Pradeep K. Divakar, Víctor J. Rico, Ana Crespo, David L. Hawksworth, Christoph Scheidegger.


V Jornadas de Liquenología de la Sociedad Española de Liquenología (SEL), 5-9 September of 2012, Campo de Caso, Asturias, Spain.

Oral communication entitled Lichens and lichenicolous fungi bioindicators of habitat quality in the natural reserves of Es Vedrá, Es Vedranell i els Illots de Ponent, Cala d`Hort y Sa Talaia (Pitiusas archipielago, Islas Baleares).


III Jornada del Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, 13 December of 2011, Valencia, Spain.

Oral communication entitled Mitochondrial phylogenomics of Archaeplastida supergroup.


VI Jornadas de Medio Ambiente de las Islas Baleares, 29-31 October of 2013, Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain.

Oral communication entitled Lichens habitat in the natural reserves of Es Vedrá, Es Vedranell i els Illots de Ponent, Cala d`Hort y Sa Talaia (Pitiusas archipielago, Islas Baleares).


Bauhin 2022 Conference, 15-16 September of 2022, Bauhin, Basel, Switzerland.

Poster communication entitled Potentials and limits in the genomic uses of a 200 years old herbarium.

Camille Christe, Carlos G. Boluda, Aina Randriarisoa, Tina Kiedaisch, Zeynep Toprak, Fred Stauffer, Yamama Naciri and Mathieu Perret.


Biology19 meeting, 7-8 February of 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.

Poster communication entitled Phylogeny and systematics of the tribe Gluemeae (Sapotaceae).

Marcele F. do Valle, Yamama Naciri, Carlos G. Boluda, Laurent Gautier.


IMC 10 (International Micological congress),  3-9 August of 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Poster communication entitled Species concept in Bryoria sect. Implexae: when sequence data and morphology do not match can microsatellites help. Boluda G. C., Carolina Cornejo, Olga Nadyeina, Pradeep K. Divakar, Víctor J. Rico, Ana Crespo, David L. Hawksworth, Christoph Scheidegger.


III Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE), 21-25 November of 2011, Madrid, Spain.

Poster communication entitled The mitochondrial genome of Nitella hyalina: why G+C content increases in Streptophyta?




Researcher invited by the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, January and September of 2019, Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico.


Active participation in scientific expeditions to areas of difficult access in developing countries.


External expert evaluator (evaluation previous to the defense) of the thesis entitled Metagenome sequencing with new bioinformatic approaches to understanding the evolution of lichen forming fungi, written by David Pizarro. September of 2022, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain).


External expert evaluator (evaluation previous to the defense) of the thesis entitled Performance and biocomplexity of the criptogamic cover in arid and polar regions, written by Núria Beltran Sanz. September of 2019, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain).


Supervisor of the master thesis entitled Phylogenomics and taxonomy of the genus Donella, with emphasis on the Malagasy species, written by Tina Kiedaisch. June of 2022, Botanical Garden of Geneva (University of Geneva), Geneva (Switzerland).


Jury of the master thesis entitled Corrélation entre l’histoire évolutive d’espèces de plantes de Madagascar (phylogénie) et leur répartition (biogéographie), written by Ludovic Oscar Rapp. May of 2023, Botanical Garden of Geneva (University of Geneva), Geneva (Switzerland).


Emily Beech, Malin Rivers, Marina Rabarimanarivo, Noro Ravololomanana, Nadiah Manjato, Faranirina Lantoarisoa, Sylvie Andriambololonera, Brigitte Ramandimbisoa, Hélène Ralimanana, Solofo Eric Rakotoarisoa, Henintsoa Razanajatovo, Velosoa Razafiniary, Andotiana Andriamanohera, Vonona Randrianasolo, Franck Rakotonasolo, Andry Rakotoarisoa, Nomentsoa Randriamamonjy, Landy Rajaovelona, Nantenaina Rakotomalala, Tianjanahary Randriamboavonjy, Mamy Tiana Rajaonah, David Rabehevitra, Aro Vonjy Ramarosandratana, Mijoro Rakotoarinivo, Bako Harisoa Ravaomanalina and Vololoniaina Jeannoda. (2021) The red list of trees of Madagascar. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, UK.


Gautier L., Randriarisoa A., Boluda C. G., Kiedaisch T., Christe C., Pouchon C., Naciri Y. (2023) Sapotacées de madagascar: on double la mise  La Feulle Verte 53: 17-19.


Randriarisoa A., Boluda C. G., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2021) Ça déménage chez les Sapotacées!  La Feulle Verte 51: 19.


Boluda C. G. (2020) Achat de plantes rares sur internet: D'où viennent les spécimens?  La Feulle Verte 50: 57.


Boluda C. G., Randriarisoa A., Christe C., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2020) L'incroyable diversité des Sapotaceés de Madagascar. La Feulle Verte 50: 14.


Naciri Y., Farias do Valle M., Boluda C. G., Stauffer F., Gautier L. (2020) La tribu des fruits déhiscents. La Feulle Verte 50: 15.


Boluda C. G., Criste C., Naciri Y., Gautier L. (2019) Capurodendron: une course contre la montre.  La Feulle Verte 49: 12.


New species described by Carlos G. Boluda:


1: Bryoria araucana Boluda, D. Hawksw. V. J. Rico, 2014.



2: Capurodendron andrafiamenae L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



3: Capurodendron aubrevillei L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



4: Capurodendron birkinshawii L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



5: Capurodendron naciriae L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



6: Capurodendron oblongifolium (Lecomte) L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



7: Capurodendron randrianaivoi L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



8: Capurodendron sakarivorum L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



9: Capurodendron namorokense L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



10: Capurodendron mikeorum L. Gaut. & Boluda, 2022.



11: Bemangidia frankliniae Boluda & L. Gaut. 2023.


12: Placopsis craterifera Boluda 2024.



13: Capurodendron ainae Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



14: Capurodendron ambanizanense Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



15: Capurodendron antilahimenae Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



16: Capurodendron christeae Boluda, Naciri & L. Gaut. 2024.



17: Capurodendron nataliae Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



18: Capurodendron ratovosonii Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



19: Capurodendron razakamalalae Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.



20: Tsebona mpanjaka Boluda & L. Gaut. 2024.




New species collected by Carlos G. Boluda but described by other authors:


21: Hypotrachyna corallifera Xin Y. Wang & Li S. Wang, 2020

(collected by Carlos G. Boluda in 2014)


22: Biatoropsis rubicundae Diederich & Millanes, 2022

(collected by Carlos G. Boluda in 2016)


23: Sulzbacheromyces miomboensis De Kesel & Ertz, 2018

(collected by Carlos G. Boluda in 2018)


24: Diospyros rubripetiolata G.E.Schatz & Lowry, 2018

(collected by Carlos G. Boluda in 2018)


25: Tremella flavoparmeliae Diederich, Hodkinson & Millanes, 2022

(collected by Carlos G. Boluda in 2019)


Species waiting for their description:


26: Malleastrum sp. nov. 2019


27: Oncostemum sp. nov. 2019


28: Sticta sp. nov. A 2019


29: Sticta sp. nov. B 2019


30: Sticta sp. nov. C 2019


31: Sticta sp. nov. D 2019


32: Chrysalidocarpus sp. nov. 2019


33: Arecaceae sp. nov. 2019


34: Campylospermum sp. nov. 2023


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 1 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 2 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 3 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 4 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 5 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 6 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 7 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 8 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 9 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 11 2022


Sideroxylon sp. nov. 12 2022


Mimusops sp. nov. 1 2024


Mimusops sp. nov. 2 2024


Mimusops sp. nov. 3 2024


Mimusops sp. nov. 4 2018


Mimusops sp. nov. 5 2018


Mimusops sp. nov. 12 2023


Mimusops sp. nov. 25 2024


Mimusops sp. nov. 26 2024