Number of species in the collection: 7.

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Polytrichales (the unique order of the class Polytrichopsida)


Pictures of Polytrichopsida:                       



Characteristics of Polytrichopsida:                        


Polytrichopsida are a small class of mosses with a worldwide distribution, which appear from the tropics to the poles, although they are more abundant in cold regions.

They have the appearance of typical moss, but with more hardened tissues and generally a larger size and bearing, with erect stems, never crawling. Their sporangia have a membrane that almost completely covers the hole through which the spores are liberated, in addition to 32-64 non-articulated teeth, formed by complete vermiform cells instead of incomplete cell walls as in mosses of the Bryopsida class. Within the Polytricopsida class there are some of the largest mosses that exist, this is partly because they have structures that can conduct water from the soil to the leaves, although these are inefficient.

Class: Polytrichopsida